Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday 26-02-2010

Thank you for all the messages of love. Simon is reading them and appreciates the support. We arranged an iPhone for him to occupy himself and to be able to see the feed come through on this blog.

Today, we have alot going on. We have Dr Kerr coming to see Simon as a personal favour as well as his capacity as a Dr at Shenton Park. Hopefully we get some answers in relation to different forms of rehabilitation that have been mentioned, from hyperbaric chambers, accupuncture, stem cells etc. As well as discussing the millions of questions we have on Shenton Park.

There have been a number of fundraisers being organised. Below is the information in relation to the first fundraiser being held next friday.

Again, the support has been amazing, just lost for words, thank you. It goes to show how many people Simon, firstly knows, but how many stick around. It is a testament to himself. He says you all stick around because of my food =)

Simon was saying he is worried about me, and I am worried about him, so that shows you the strong heart that he has.

Thank you

The information in relation to the Athena Soccer Club Fundraiser:

In the past 3 weeks tragedy has struck 2 Perth Family’s. Chris Earley and Simon Bourne have both suffered severe injuries from separate accidents & FAFC is presenting a fundraiser to help with their recovery and support their young families.

Date: Friday, March 5, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 11:55pm
Location: Floreat Athena FC - 41 Britannia Rd Mount Hawthorn

Soccer Under Lights from 7pm
Panathinaikos, Olympiakos, Aek & Paek Local representatives fight it out for the Earley/Bourne Greek Cup. Don’t miss the final at 830pm

930pm – DJ Mihali with RNB, Greek and More

Entry Fee – Donation
Food & Drinks available for purchase

For raffle donations, pledges, team participation or other info email

All Entry, Food, Raffle & Bar profits will assist the Earley/Bourne families

Raffle/Auction Pledges so far - thank you

Eaton Industries (George Terzanidis) - 2 UPS's and 2 Power board
Safire Natural Skincare (Eleni Cardaci) - Pamper pack with spa products and other goodies
John Novatsis - $500 for food produce
George Levissianos, Lil's Retravision Karratha - 50" HD Plasma TV
Andrew & Simon, Synnex, 2 x 19" LCD HD TV with IPOD DOC
Superstars and Legends (Adam) - Memorobilia items
Andrew Hawes Art - Painting
DJ Mihali - DJ Services
ATI Martial Arts (Adin Livnjak) - 1 Term of Martial Arts Training for 3year old onwards
Solid Gold Jewllers (Dannielle De Pellegrin) - 18ct yellow gold hand crafted pave set diamond cross pendant & matching 18ct yellow gold chain


  1. Dear Marina and Simon,

    I'm so devistated to hear of what happpend and I can't imagine what you's are going through, and it couldn't of happened to nicer people.

    My thoughts are with you daily and i prey for a speedy and sucessful recovery.

    Stay strong guys. Love you's lots. xoxo Jaye Jaye

  2. Dear Simon & Marina,

    We can only imagine what you guys are going through now. You and your girls are in our thoughts every day.

    You may have some tough times ahead, but we most definitely look forward to seeing you at another of Al's Balcony BBQ's, very soon. Beer in hand of course:)

    Stay strong & keep positive.
    All our Love,
    Daniel, Mel, Jaxon & Lucas Gaensler

  3. Hi Simon and Marina

    We don't know what to say, so I will just be honest.

    I feel sick in the stomach thinking about what you have been through and what you will go through over the coming months with rehab. I cannot even begin to consider what it must be like, I just wish this had not happened and I just say "f???, "sh??"" ten times a day because this tragedy has struck.

    You and Marina are both so vibrant people, and I know we don't see you except at Christmas, but I really enjoy seeing you that one time a year. From all of the reports I have heard and other comments on this blog site it sounds like you are both being amazingly positive and that your vibrancy has not disappeared and the strength that you both have displayed is inspiring. I am so proud to hear this. I really don't know if I would have coped had this happened to John and I.

    Not a day goes past that we do not think of you both and wonder what the progress has been and hope that something has happened to give you guys hope. I am in awe of your strength at this time.

    We are in Rottnest next week, but will be thinking of you, and will check out the blogger site when we return.

    Take care.

    Love John, Candy, Isaac an Scarlett.

  4. Hi Simon and Marina

    I was so upset and saddened to hear about your accident, Simon. Kevin and I knew both you and Jeff when you were students at Warwick SHS. We have become good friends with your parents and have thus been able to catch up with what you two boys have been doing over the years since you were at school.

    This accident is a horrible tragedy, but, Simon, you and Marina are so lucky to have the most dedicated and wonderful support network around you. With that kind of backing I am sure you will battle past what must seem like almost insurmountable obstacles and emerge out the other end stronger in body and spirit than before.

    We are thinking of you each day and focusing all our positive mental energies towards your full recovery. We will attend the fundraiser on Friday as a physical demonstration of our support and please know that we wish your whole family all the very best for the future. Get well soon.
    Sharon Eggers and Kevin Coffey

  5. Hi Marina and Simon,

    So sorry to hear about the accident. Sounds like you have a loving and supportive group of family and friends to help get you through.

    I know this time will be tough for you both, but Im sure you will pull through stronger than ever.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    from Stella Hewitt (nee Billington)

  6. Has Shenton Park been properly warned of your arrival? They're not gonna know whats hit em.
    Good luck big fella. Love the Cuz's

  7. Dear Simon and Marina,

    Both of you and your two beautiful girls are in our thoughts all of the time. We will do everything we can to help and support you all, along the way.

    Looking forward to when we can have friday night drinks with you and in the meantime I can't wait to blog when my mighty magpies win!!!!!!

    Taya sends; Simon I hope you feel better soon and I can't wait to see you. love taya

    Love Trin Jeremy Taya and Seth xxxx

  8. Dear Simon and Marina,

    Please know that we are thinking of you and your girls at this time. Ben and I were both so shocked to hear of the news and we are in awe of your positive attitudes and your strength. You are such a beautiful family and we look forward to many more christmas gatherings and inappropriate conversations (he he..g-strings!).

    Please let us know if we can do anything to help,

    Love and huge hugs to you all,
    Lisa, Ben and Abby xox

  9. Hi Rat & Marina
    I will send you 4 passes for rounds of golf at Secret Harbour Golf Links. Just email me where to send them.
    All the best

  10. Just checking in and wanted you to know we are thinking of you
    Love Rach, Ange & Lexi xo

  11. Hi Simon and Marina

    Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and here for you always.
    Good luck in Shenton Park Simon. Thinking of you every day mate. "Messy/cheeky" regularly asks me how you are as you are in her thoughts often. She is hanging out for Alexandra to come back to school. She has missed her little buddy.
    Sending lots of love and well wishes
    Cath, Dave, Sarah, Samuel and Zac xxx
