I can't believe I write the words 12 months....12 months ago, I was trying to get my family home from Bali & I was contemplating the world, as I watched Simon in the worst physical pain you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. 1 year has passed, & each day is a challenge, physically & emotionally. The longest year of my life of realising the importance of existence...life is short & things can change in a split second. It is not a dress rehearsal, you only get one shot. Making the most of the life ahead is the new ethos on life. Our family is a strong unit & continues to be so. The friends are no longer friends, they are our family too. I hope you all realise the importance of life, laughter, love & all that family that surround you. Don’t wait for something to happen to realise.
Sunday was 12 months to the day, when our world was turned upside down, inside out and back to front. Every second from the moment Simon hit his head on the bottom of the pool until now is vividly implanted in my memory. I refuse to be consumed by those thoughts, however, marvel at Simons progress from such uncertainty to basically normality. Albeit, life is not what we called normal, we are now living a new normal.
Simon continues to live life to its fullest by working full time being the superintendent at Cottesloe Golf Club, driving and certainly socialising. Although there are obvious restrictions and continued health issues, still taking each day as it comes is the motto.
Our attention has been on the rebuild of our home. With the slab going down before Christmas, we were excited leading into 2011 that our home was starting to take shape. Fortunately for me, I have been in control of the rebuild and therefore have had the majority of the input. In saying that....Simon did get to pick where a window for his bar was to be placed...I think that's enough input for him !!
He has insisted that he be in charge of the outside component, where he has become adamant that we will be having artificial lawn.....not a good sign coming from a 'Golf Course Expert' !! I understand that having someone else cut his lawn would be a frustration and we have debated the environmental advantages however, I have Crossy & Des doing their best to convince him that the real lawn is where it is at.
We had hoped to be in the new abode by Easter and it it isn't looking like that will eventuate, hopefully not too long after that though.
There has been numerous investigations into various treatments since Simons injury. We have looked at Stem Cells for the Spinal cord, hyperbaric chambers, a new programme called Walk-On and others which will hopefully be embarking on in the near future, however without FDA Approval on most of the treatments, it is hard to decipher the best avenue.
Alexandra and Georgia have adapted to this life well and make positive progress in dealing with certain restrictions as we are.
Thank you to all those people who have been there for us in the past year, and to those that continue to be there for us in so many different aspects of our life. We will forever be grateful for your love for our family.
Below is an article written by Brett Robinson and published in the Australian Turfgrass. He has known Simon for a while through industry connections and contacted us asking if we would do the article. Simon felt that although it would be difficult to relive certain moments, it's also a way for people to understand the importance of 'getting on with it'. Enjoy the read.

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