Well a lot can happen in…oops almost 2 weeks. Sorry for not keeping the blog updated, it has been crazy. School holidays providing a challenge for me, nothing I cant cater to.
On Wednesday 31st, Simon was released from the bars that were imprisoning his head, and was gratefully switched over to the neck brace and matching vest. On the regular appointment of tightening the pins, they noticed that the back pins were basically on 0, and should have been on 7 pounds of torque. After a quick call to the powers that be, it was agreed that the halo was to be removed.
Now although it was a relief to hear them say that it was to be removed after we were expecting another 9 weeks of the ever invasive contraption, Simon was warned that when removing the pins, it feels like they are being tightened. He isn't allowed to be under any anesthetic whilst that procedure is taking place, as they need to see if he reacts to a potential hit of a nerve etc. Apparently the painful howling was heard by all in the ward, and there was some concern for young Simon as this took 20minutes to remove.
April fools day was a big day for us as we met with Dr John Ker for our prognosis meeting. The moment we were waiting for but also dreading in the same breath.
We were told that Simons left hand will be back to 100% and is well on its way to proving that is the case. Simon has been scored with a common tool used by all Spinal Cord Injury Experts, called ASIA scores. They have a grading of sensory and motor responses. The grading is from A - E, A being complete impairment, B being incomplete impairment of voluntary function and then cascading down in severity through to E. Simon is classified as being graded B, so is an incomplete Tetraplegic. Dr Ker looked at us in his office and mentioned a 2% chance of Simon ever regaining full motor function of his legs.
Although being positive has been somewhat our way of confronting this issue, being realistic has to come into the equation. We were told early on that this could be the prognosis and to prepare for it, however, NOTHING that anyone says or how many times you go over and over it in you head, you are never prepared. I had tears streaming down my face and Simon was cool as a cucumber. We were then shown the X-ray’s from BIMC (Bali Hospital) and the repair of the Spinal column showing us a whole pile of metal work, getting Simon closer to bionic-man status.
Now we prepare ourselves for the next part of our journey, making sure our home life will be ready for Simons release into the real world. The days/weeks/months and years ahead will be challenging to say the least, but the evident fortitude he, and we, display will continue to help overcome anything and everything.
Hi Simon and Marina,
ReplyDeleteWe hope the week has gone well. We are all looking forward to the quiz night. It must be time for something different to ponder 4; If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?
Lot's of Love to you all.
Trin Jeremy Taya and Seth xxxx
Hey Bourney and Marina
ReplyDeleteStupid Parliament sittings mean i am unable to make the quiz night but if there is anything i can ever do in support please don't hesitate. You are all in my thoughts and it has been great to see some positive steps.
Kirst (Ridgey) xxx
PS not one to admit my inability to work a computer i have only just been able to find this blog!! - i think i need my own PA for this stuff LOL
Hi Marina and Simon,
ReplyDeleteI am just further adding to my comment above as it just looks wrong on it's own now that the photo's and summary of your past two weeks have been added. It is fantastic to see the photo's with the halo removed and the good news re your left hand. For the rest just know that we will continue to be here for you all in anyway that is helpful for you.
Lot's of Love
Trin xxx
Hi Simon,
ReplyDeleteLooking at your photos and reading your stories brings back many memories for me,from the tightening of the bolts to the removal of the halo. I fractured C2-3-4-6 and T1 in 1994 whilst cutting rough, I ducked to go under a tree and the tree won. I was back to almost normal within a year and been as good as I am after about two. It seems a long road ahead, but with the love of your wife and beautiful girls, I am sure it will be much easier. Its a shame Iam in QLD and can't visit, but best of luck and I look forward to following your progress.
Stewart Poole
Gailes Golf Club
Hey bourney.
ReplyDeleteits always good reading what you have been up to and what stuff has been happening. i hope your going well.
take care big boy.
Hi guys
ReplyDeleteSophie has just come back from the sleep over with you, Marina. You are either extremely brave or crazy having 7 kids under 6years. But yet again you took it in your stride and gave the girls a wonderful special time for Ali's birthday party, thank you so so much.
Everyday I think of you both and wonder how you are. It is such a pleasure and a priviledge to have the opportunity to be with your beautiful girls, thank you so much for letting us be part of the next chapter in your life together. You are both young in years but not in heart and strength. I was so happy for you Simon to hear of your first day release, which you will be experiencing right now as I write. I wonder what the girls thought when they saw you rock up at home. Leigh and I don't feel comfortable visiting you in Shenton Park but we are looking forward to spending time with you on your return home and hopefully resuming our Friday night sessions....
Actually, I think your release date coincides with my due date, I wonder who will be home first.....
Lots of love Ruth
Simon it was great to see you home today albeit for a short time, we count down the weeks till your home for good.
ReplyDeleteLove Vicky, Peter, Stratos & Alexi
hi simon' marina good to hear you were able to spend some time at home it must of been good for the girls to see you in your home enviroment simon .thinking of you daily love martin @lynda
ReplyDeleteSimon and Marina, Just reading the latest blog and Simon the realise from that contraption on your head surely must have been a VERY strange feeling.We still have you both strongly in our thoughts and however small the progress happens as time goes on it is STILL progress.Marina,I have never met a real wonderwoman but you must be it!!! Ann and Norm.
ReplyDeleteSimon it was great to hear that you have spent some time home with your lovely wife and the girls. Keep up the good work and once again Marina thank you for the updates on how Simon is progressing.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked to hear of your accident in Bali and it took me a while to really believe that this could happen to someone I know, and while I havent seen you in years i just had to send you a message to let you know that myself and my family are thinking of you. Your strength and determination is mind blowing. Thank you Marina for keeping us updated on how Simon is going.
Toni Warren (Gouldsmith)
hey cuz, thinking of you always even tho we are so far away. keep up the good progress. you are doing so well. Love to marina and the girls.
ReplyDeleteLots of Love
Gemma Anderson xxxx