Monday, April 19, 2010

Tuesday 20-4-2010

We have hit the 8 week mark since Simon's injury and the physical progress he is making is inspiring.

During the week, I try to get to the hospital before 4pm so I can tidy his room, change the sheets and make his bed, before he returns from OT. On Monday (12th), as I was attending to feeding my need to clean, Jen from the Ward came in to advise me that Simon & I had an educational to attend prior to Simon coming home for the day on Wednesday............I must have looked like a character from Days of our lives with the confused look on my face, I said, 'Pardon...' Jen was quick to tell me that she didn't know it was a secret and that Simon would have to fill me in on the rest. With that, I proceeded with my obsession for Simon's comfort with the sheets, doing the hospital corners with a grin from ear to ear thinking about this home visit.

Simon came through the door and greeted me with the news of his day out. On Tuesday we attended an ICE (In Case of Emergency) Meeting on how to reposition Simon into his chair should he for any reason have a fall.

Tuesday night, I bravely hosted Alexandra's 6yo birthday sleep over. With the special request for a handbag cake for her party, pizza, popcorn and movies, Alexandra and Georgia and their 5 friends were all on their best behaviour. They were all spaced out in our living room, blankets, pillows, teddy's and all the lights on because of course the dark is scary and they were all passed out at 10.30.

Wednesday was to be a very monumental day, Simon was coming home for the day, and the best part was that the girls had no idea. The maxi taxi was booked for 1pm to pick Simon up from Shents. As I continued to ignore Alexandra ask me why I keep looking out the front door, I saw the taxi turn into our street...I felt like a school girl waiting for her boyfriend to come over. I snuck outside and helped get Simon to the front door, as soon as we got to it, you could see the excitement in Alexandra's face, 'What are you doing here?' and couldn't get out the door quick enough. Simon told her that he asked the doctors to let him out so he could spend her birthday with her at home and to eat the other cake mummy made, a bee hive.

It felt like a barrage of emotions. I was ecstatic to have Simon home, but knew that some parts of the house would be restricting, and I didn't know how to handle the potential frustration. The visit home affirmed the need for alternative accommodation when Simon is released from Shents.

Once through the door, a meander through the house, and he was quick to ask me to help him get onto the couch and he did his best to reclaim his groove. He was like a little kid in a lolly shop when he sat back in front of his plasma TV picked up the remote...and kissed it!! He was home. The day went well and mums and dads, sisters and brothers were asked to come after 4pm so we could have our alone time.

The taxi was booked for 7pm to pick up Simon as his curfew is at 8pm. Not long after 7, the taxi arrived...I was dreading this moment, time for Simon to go. It was extremely difficult for us. I was a blubbering mess while Simon was sending me messages of how good it was to be home, and that it was.

On Friday as Simon attended to Des and Troy in the gym, he had a special visitor, Ashley Prescott, an assistant coach from Essendon to present Simon with a signed Essendon guernsey. He was absolutely blown away by the visit which was arranged by the wonderful Nick Kirkbride. Thank you to Nick for organising that for Simon and for dealing with delayed flights, emails and phone calls galore.

Simon has 3 weeks from today until the neck-chest brace is removed, which will mean he can start other therapies that he is currently restricted from doing with the brace on.

We asked one of the Nurses Jess, to count how many tablets Simon takes in a the moment 31! I couldn't believe it!!

We now look forward to the next home visit. Now we feel like we have overcome that initial shock of coming home, albeit the first of many home visits.


  1. Hi Simon and Marina , all the way from Kalbarri

    Simon , we were so thrilled to have been able to spend Alexandra's 6th birthday at your home , and that all the family could be there to enjoy. This of course is the first step to being home again and getting back to your life with family and friends. We know that there is still a long way to go with the whole recovery bit , but when that neck brace goes , we know that you will be hard to stop. Keep up with the hard work and positive approach , you have done so well in the short time since the accident and we know that you will continue to strive for better things.
    Lots of love , Mum and Dad
    P.S. Marina , what a tower of strength , I really do not know how you do it all. You could not have done more, not just for Simon but for all of us. You are such an inspiration. Thank you so much for loving and looking after our son. I think you may have missed your vocation. Nursing has missed out on a star.
    Love Pauline

  2. “Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.”

  3. Simon - 8 weeks I can't believe it! Please know we are thinking of you always. We miss you and look forward to the day you return to work.
    Love to you all Jas xxx

  4. hey rat,
    jes, a signed jumper ay, whos essendon?? where are they on the ladder. i will have to get you a kangaroos jumper instead mate. hahaha. oh yeah by the way i bet you got a lolly bag from the party. good to hear you have been home mate. catch you soon. tyson

  5. Simon I heard a quote the other day and I couldn't help thinking of you and Marina it said "In life, Its not about how hard you hit... Its about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward" You are an inspiration and we are all looking forward to seeing you back here!! See you soon. Mel xx

  6. Rat, you've had that puzzle for a month now without a result. I'm sure you'll get it eventually. Just follow the string. Good Luck.

  7. Hi Simon

    It was fantastic to hear you made a trip home, especially on Alexandra's 6th birthday, a birthday I am sure you will all never forget. It can only inspire and help you with the healing process, and get you home where you belong quickly.. Which ofcourse means we get to have you back at work doing what only 'you' do best.

    We all watch your progress each morning through the blog with a smile and sometimes a tear, but are truly proud of the positive attitude and strength you have shown us all.

    see you soon
    Kerryn x

  8. Hi Simon and Marina,

    We always think about you all so much. Taya had such a fantastic time at the sleepover and it was amazing there was a sleepover with decorated cakes to boot thankyou so much!. Such a precious gift (and a rolllercoaster of emotions) for you all to be home together on Ali's birthday.

    Anyway it's that time again for something different to ponder number 5; Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?????

    More importantly this week; Time to bounce:
    2 days 22:33 go the maggies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love Trin Jeremy Taya and Seth xxxx

  9. Hi Simon

    I heard a saying on the all important but highly fictional show Desperate Housewives on Monday night.

    Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.(Gandhi)!

    With a tears in my eyes I thought of you and how wonderfully strong you are and how proud we are.

    Love Vicky, Peter, Stratos & Alexi

  10. Rat, mate, being on the outer of the industry now, I have just heard the news. You are in my thoughts buddy and I know that with your incredibly strong will and one in a million character you will pull through, if anyone can.

    I'll add my 2 cents or quotes, and one that has got me through the hard times in my life, thanks to J.R.R.Tolkein

    "What you must decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you."

    Keep strong my friend and I will catch up with you when I am next in Perth.

    My thoughts are with you, Marina and your beautiful family.

    Simon "Jonesy" Jones

  11. I think the score said it all! xxx

  12. Was an absolute pleasure to see you and Marina today..

    ps. Still can't get over that look you gave me when you spoke about BOTOX!! hahah...

  13. Just found out mate, It's been along time since we have spoken.
    Best wishes from me and my family. Get well soon.

    Shannon Champion
